Friday, July 31, 2020

Another Brave Trumpanzee

A Florida man accused of threatening an Escambia County Grocery Advantage employee with an ax because he was asked to wear a mask was arrested on Monday.

Michael Brad Evans, 42, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon Monday after employees and witnesses say the man caused a scene, yelled racial slurs and broke a large bottle of alcohol after being asked to wear a mask inside the store.

A victim, who works at the 4320 Lillian Highway grocery store, told Escambia County Sheriff's Office (ECSO) deputies that Michael Bevans and the female he entered the store with Monday became "belligerent" when asked to wear a mask and both refused to do so.

Bevans allegedly cursed, yelled and made threatening gestures with an ax.
You don't want to wear a mask in a store that requires it? Try leaving and finding a store that doesn't give a fuck about whether or not you're spreading disease, you fucking scumbags.

The overlap between Covidiots and Trumpanzees is almost total.


  1. To our great detriment, the mask thing has turned into virtue signalling for a certain retrograde portion of the population. It occludes the fact that mask wearing is really an act of community cohesion rather than an act of capitulation. Here in RI, if you don't have a mask, you will be offered one for free.If that offends you, it's time to reassess your place in society

  2. I have to amend this as too simplistic. As Ed Burmila has pointed out,this is a trivial rebellion by people who, knowing they are not free, comfort themselves with insignificant acts of rebellion, like a middle school student leaving one quarter of his shirt untucked in "protest" of dress codes

  3. Refusal to wear a mask is the difference between "I" and "WE". Expressing "I" all the time often indicates a lack of emotional intelligence.

    A quickly googled definition:
    "People with low emotional intelligence (or lacking it entirely) often make the mistake of only recognizing and exercising their own emotional strengths. As a result, they fail to truly connect with their environment and the people around them — and it always backfires in one way or another."

    Without the ability to be introspective, you cannot grow as a person, advance your humanity, put others first, or understand what "For the Greater Good" means. Nor understand the meanings and limitations of freedom and free will.

    Weaponize and politicize low EQ and you have the mess we are in now. Such as forcing schools to reopen in the middle of a global pandemic. It used to be that getting 6 inches of snow on the ground would be a call for schools to close for a snow day or two. But a highly contagious virus and 150,000+ dead? Get the kids on the busses as soon as possible! That is totally Nuts!

    How did not protecting our children become a priority? Pure madness and insanity. Far too many people have been blinded and polarized by a cult political party bereft of a conscience, a warped media amplifying stupidity, and a megalomaniac in the White House aided and abetted by a craven attorney general all chasing Power! Unlimited Power! Also, don't get me started on the pitiful response of some governors. Complete suck ups to Trump.

    In the middle of the shit storm, though, everyone shopping in my Home Depot in Portland, OR was wearing a mask and distancing. There was hand sanitizer available at the register and plastic partitions separating me and the cashier. I don't know which parts of the country will totally burn down and kill their children and families, but it won't be Oregon.

    Stay Safe and Stay Well.

  4. The Trump Genocide isn't going so well out on the High Desert either, JM, I saw just one person unmasked today and I wasn't the only following him just looking for an excuse to punch him. And he knew it.

    I'm thinkin' Javanka's load of logs may have been a few sticks shy of a truck; five pack, maybe four; not all the puppies bark.

  5. Texas is fucked, that is all.

  6. Fergus sees the greater good as being for suckers, and lots of his followers follow suit. They mistakenly believe that their time will never come. Everyone's time comes, and then they need help.
    The anti-mask thing is an example of the danger of propaganda.
    Everyone at the grocery stores in Oakhurst wears masks. Not everyone did at the recycling place or the smog shop, which is bad, but not as bad as not wearing one when indoors all day.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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