Tuesday, July 21, 2020

About That Test Trump Brags of "Acing"..

Dr. Ziad Nasreddine in 1996 developed and copyrighted the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test, which is a 10-minute examination usually performed with pen and paper that measures the strengths of different areas of the brain related to cognitive domains, such as short-term memory, spatial awareness and executive functioning.
“It is,” he said, “supposed to be easy for someone who has no cognitive impairment.”
Or, as other professionals have put it:

I assume that Trump is bragging because this is the first test in his life that someone else didn't take for him.

That the doctors even saw a reason to give Trump the MoCA test says something about his mental acuity.


  1. Here's my fantasy. Biden tells Trump "OK, your niece says you didn't really take the SAT, but you affirm that you did. It's been a long time for both of us. So let's you and me take it again, side by side. I'll spot you 100 points."

  2. I want to see the test he says he took. Not just the results, the "long-form". After all that Birth Certificate hooey, he deserves this and more.
    Just saying

  3. Funny, Deadstick.
    But the stable genius's expertise is not in mere facts, like which is camel, or where in the world is brazil, of which he knows less than zero. Everything he knows is wrong.
    His genius, rather, is spotting just how vile the 38% of American dead end Confederate race war holdovers are and how best to pander to them. Every actual fact he thinks he knows is a racist lie that his father, KKK Frederick, taught him and that he will always believe. With donald's parents he stood no chance of becoming anything other than the monster he will always be. You'd feel pity for anybody so vile, twisted and broken. Except for the nuclear football thing. And all his myriad of hateful policies.
    Then the pity turns to hatred and fear because brain dead Republicans, with the help of Putin and the slaver friendly Electoral College, voted in such a criminal, traitorous president*.


  4. The one person nailed it. If you can climb stairs after
    tying your shoes and can feed yourself then a full score
    is expected. FYI its timed so working your way through at
    glacial pace is not acing it. Less than 100% means
    cognitive and or motor impairment.

    The easy part is can things be identified (visual cortex)
    then motor brain skills (1a,2b,3c... part of the test).
    The other tests cover more but the hear this repeat
    back is often hard for those that dont listen or have
    hearing speaking disconnects. Also if you do it once the
    skills acquired by testing make it easier the second time.
    Even though the questions and specific tests vary to avoid
    repeats having an idea of what to expect makes it easier.

    If he was prepped it would be easier by exposure.

    Drumpf is the devil incarnate on earth.


  5. When I was in rehab from my stroke, they gave me that thing a few times, and I didn't even realize that's what it was until I read descriptions of it this week.
    It's literally easy enough that you can take it without realizing it's a test.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine


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