Wednesday, June 10, 2020

High Potential for an Epic Fail

The White House is preparing a speech on race relations written by Stephen Miller, who crafted the Trump Administration’s immigration plan along the southern border with Mexico.
Of everyone in the Trump Administration who might be tasked with reaching out with empathy to minorities, Stephen Miller would have to be at or near the bottom of the list.

It'd be like asking Jared, the Prince of Merde, to write a speech on fair housing.


  1. Having tRUMP's little pocket-Goebbels write a speech on racism leads me to ask the following question:
    Pro, or Con?

    The speech and tRUMP's lugubrious and monotonic teleprompter reading could end-up being Monty Python bizarre!
    But without any of MP's yuck-yucks!

  2. done in tulsa on juneteenth im hearing.

  3. Trump speaking on race relations on Juneteenth in a city known for the worst racial massacrew f the 20th Century... what could possibly go wrong, there?

  4. I don't know if he plans on giving that speech there, but he is definitely planning a rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth.
    It's positively Reaganesque.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. And he's going to accept the nomination in Jacksonville, FL on the 60th anniversary of Ax Handle Saturday.

    Does he have people who are working to ensure that he comes across as a sheet-owning Klansman?

  6. My guess is yes he does. He knows he's in trouble in this election, and he knows he'll never get any votes from those who don't already love him, so he's just cranking the pandering up to eleven to the farthest corners of the bottom of the barrel to see if he can scrape enough votes together to keep him out of the clink.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  7. Doug, the GOP's Southern Strategy of yelling "The Darkies Are Coming For Your Women" is a very old one. Trump is merely replacing their racist dog-whistle with a steam-whistle.


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