Friday, May 15, 2020

Prosecute This Dumb Fucking COVID Denier

A New York barber who defied stay-at-home orders and continued to "illicitly" cut hair has tested positive for coronavirus, county officials said in a public health notice this week.
Covid Sam, or whatever the hell his name is, should be hammered with every possible charge.

Meanwhile, one of the Covid Teabaggers was arrested.
A 32-year-old Detroit man is facing a felony charge after allegedly making "credible threats to kill" Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel, the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office said Friday.

Prosecutor Kym Worthy charged Robert Sinclair Tesh with false report of a threat of terrorism, a felony that carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, according to a press release. He was arraigned on April 22.
If you feel the need to show up at a protest with a visible firearm, you've already lost the debate.

Like all of these jackholes:


  1. Any bets as the the percentage of those nimrods with a round in the chamber?

    I’d pay good money to see interviews with a whole group of them, one at a time, asking about basic gun safety principles and rules.

    The ones I’d be eyeing, if I was security, were those with either no visible weapon or a slung weapon. The ones that feel the need to cradle and fondle their metallic power stick/phallus are not so likely to be the real threat.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The only guy that might get a pass is slung across the
    back and no mag. I'd check him first as he may be the
    only one that knows what he is doing.

    Across the front with a mag in assume brandishing or hunting.
    Since hunting there is unlikely, brandishing. I really don't
    believe saying the mag is empty is valid.

    Since all of the once in the picture seem to think they
    are patrol ready carry... scoop them all up. There is no
    reason to carry any rifle that way except if use is

    Stupid asses and they are why the rest of u have stupid
    laws to contend with.


  4. I've lived in Michigan for 56 years (+8 in Texas). These clowns are turning Michigan into the Mississippi of the Midwest.


  5. Sucks there's no sport in beating up dumbass drugged-out drunks.

    Or shooting egg-sucking dogs.

    Bring it on, filth.

  6. GF,

    There is a guy in NYC open for hair cuts, you should pay him
    a visit.

    Not afraid of the gun toters, the are just like you.


  7. Herr Filthie, racist slurs will not be tolerated.

    Red card.

  8. CCC Cosplay Campfire Commandos

  9. Some of those characters are sorta grimy enough that sans covid
    I'd still want them at poles length.

    Right now rather than a long arm I'd rather be toting a quarter staff.
    With that you can hold them back instructing them what 6ft is or
    beat them down for not listening. Their choice.

    That and they make a good walking stick.



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