Monday, May 18, 2020

Normalizing Authoritarianism is What Republicans Do

As you probably know by now, Trump is firing the I.G. for the State Department, who was looking into Secretary Pompeo's abuses of power. That's what Trump does. He will never tolerate oversight by anyone. He is sort of a low-wattage version of Richard Nixon.

But this is the point: Republicans are normalizing authoritarianism. They are normalizing the idea that a president does not have to answer to Congress-- no testimony, no discovery of documents, no nothing if a president doesn't want to comply. Their only remedy, now, is impeachment and removal. All of the post-Watergate reforms are being stripped away by Trump and his coterie of buttmonkeys and ass-kissers.

Presidents don't give up power willingly. All of the power being glommed onto by Trump will still be there when a Democrat is president. A Democrat who may be fine with using all those new toys to vex Republicans, who will have zero cause to complain.

"You reap what you sow" is true in politics.


  1. Saw this in a meme which causes one to pause at its truth.

    "How sad it must be - believing that scholars, scientists, historians, economists, and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you; while a reality TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your only beacon of Truth and Honesty."

    Speaks volumes to the integrity of conservatives and Republicans


  2. The fact that Republicans brought the situation about won't stop them from complaining and blaming it on the first Democrat to follow suit.
    They are immune from hypocrisy, or as Driftglass says "No fair remembering stuff!"
    And Dale, I plan on stealing your quote as well, with attribution, of course.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  3. That quote nails it.

    We have covidiots and trumpets all loyal to advancing the
    art of stupidity and craft of idiocy.

    To borrow an old line, Here's your sign.

    Best yet heard on the toobe that Drumpf is using Hydroychloroquine
    prophylactic application. problem is with 18,000 lies and counting
    we can't know or believe him. The upside to that is if all his
    followers do that, the average rate of heart damage and death goes
    up another 1% maybe more based on normal label use (Malaria and
    Lupus). Of course the price to hit the sky and those that really
    need it will suffer.


  4. I’ll bet his doctor convinced him to take a infinitely small dose...maybe a homeopathic dose.

  5. Problem is, Trump would think that a "homeopathic dose" would be something gay people took.


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