Friday, April 17, 2020

Trump: I'll Leave It Up to the States, But I'll Egg On the Trumpanzees

That's pretty much it. He'll take no responsibility for anything, but he'll egg on a few riots if his pathetic little ego is bruised.

Trump keeps whining that governors aren't saying nice things to him. Cuomo offered to send him flowers.

The Trumpanzee protesters in Ohio look like extras from a zombie movie:

Personally, I think they're all suffering from the Trump virus and it's lowered their IQs down to the point that they'll believe anything said by OxyBoy and the Weepy Fascist.

Dr. Fauci went on Laura Ingraham's show and basically handed her ass to her when she tried to peddle Trump's bullshit.

1 comment:

  1. One wonders how the contact tracing for that mess will go.


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