Friday, April 10, 2020

Social Distancing Works

A graphic illustration of how it does, from the Ohio Dept. of Health.

One would hope that even the Covidiots would understand this. But they're too wrapped up in their conspiracy theories.


  1. Well, there were fewer ICU patients in California Thursday than there were Wednesday.
    Whether that signifies a trend or not we can't say just yet, but it does comport with the timing of our early shelter in place orders, so maybe?

    Meanwhile, the case numbers in the more rural areas of the country (and even in California) are doubling every four days.

    This can be worse than it has to be, or not, it's up to us.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. This is also a great example of a nuclear chain reaction and the effect of increased distance between fissionable nuclei.


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