Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Rot Where You Are, PharmaBro

Shkreli thinks that he, and only he, can cure the Coronavirus.

I say: Let him serve his time where he is, day for fucking day. This is just a pathetic attempt by a narcissistic snowflake to leverage a crisis into a Get Out of Jail Free card. And you can bet your farm that he'd try to find a way to profit unseemly from it.

Shkreli has been using contraband cell phones to run his business from prison, something that landed him into solitary for a spell. He is an unrepentant and unreformed criminal and only a fool would trust him.


  1. If you read the comments in the article, you discover that Mr. Shithead has zero, zip, nada,no biology chops at all; he is a spreadsheet jockey who could no more discover a cure than he could flap his arms and fly to the moon. He's probably at a country-club prison, but should be sent to Parchmen Farm where he might truly learn penitence (what penitentiaries were originally supposed to do).

  2. FCI Fort Dix, Federal Minimum Security.Prison, with adjacent Minimum Security Camp.


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