Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Pandemic Humor


  1. I've always wanted to goto Whereno.

  2. I've wanted to visit the corner of No and Where, but the Serenity isn't booking passengers. And there's a pretty nasty gent floating there.

  3. Everybody everybody knows, this is nowhere.
    Neil Young

  4. Chris, goto statements were denigrated decades ago because they lead to unmaintainable 'spaghetti code'. Use structured code and always drop out of the function at the bottom. Never exit using the goto statement. You'll thank yourself later.

  5. Tod, I once worked with a guy who used goto's for unemployment insurance. His code was more steel wool than spaghetti, and it was self-modifying too. When they finally bit the bullet and got rid of him, you shelled out a few tax bucks for us to fix it...

  6. Hmmmmmm.

    Turns out you and your media friends are lying about the bleach thing too.


    Just some stupid nasty woman killing her husband. No, Trump never told you to drink bleach, but if you think he did... you probably should.

  7. Dearest Glen, if you are unable to recognize your fantasy Führer suggested ingestion or injection of disinfectant as a treatment, you should stop responding to posts before you make a fool of...well, never mind.

    The good news for you is that YOUR government has been competent in its response and your public has recognized the threat and acted prudently. This is a bonus for a person like you, who is squarely in the crosshairs of the virus, being exactly the median age of all hospitalized persons. There is another bonus for the actions (of your countrymen) you profess to dislike, many of those nurses are of either a gender or an inclination your profess be disgusted by and hate.

  8. CP88, as far as I know, Mr. Filthie’s not an American citizen. He’s, therefore, loyal to the leader of another country. Which makes him a textbook traitor.

  9. Comrade, exactly why I called it his “fantasy Führer” and noted HIS government’s response was decent vs ours. This, and the remainder, is easily gleaned from his “blog”.


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