Monday, April 27, 2020

Pandemic Humor


  1. Ricky Gervais for the win.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  2. And now, with a Monday staple...for those playing at home, from five weeks ago:

    “B said...
    And yet the numbers just don't match the hysteria (again)

    Here is the real data as per johns Hopkins:

    375,450 cases
    (7.5 BILLION people in the the math)

    16,371 TOTAL deaths blamed on this disease. (so far, "normal" seasonal flu has killed over 20,000 people this year)

    For this we shut down our way of life and killed our economy?

    data source:

    March 23, 2020 at 7:38 PM“

    So, lets update again...

    Total Cases/World: 3,055,651
    Total Cases/U.S.A.: 1,004,942

    Total Deaths/World: 211,065
    Total Deaths/U.S.A.: 56,527

    April 27, 2020 at 4:35 PM

    Still waiting for an admission that this isn’t like the flu.

  3. CP88, point taken.

    Give it a rest, please.

  4. CM, I actually enjoy CP88 weekly updates. I respect that he has been scrupulously fair, only using the official death count, and not including all the "extra deaths" that are not officially attributed to covid-19, but are probably caused by it. It's only once a week, I would like his updates to remain a feature. After all, we're only at 1 Vietnam now, 5 months since the first reported case.

  5. Steve, I asked the Comrade if she minded, she does, so It ends.

  6. Fair enough. Her house, her rules. Just letting you know I supported your holding B to account.

  7. Steve, I can assure you that Madam Comrade will hold the Republicans to account for their insane behaviors and predictions. Also, it’s interesting that we’re about to hit the “magical” 60k mark without slowing down. Personally, I’m not looking forward to the next month here i Texas, I’ve seen way too many people walking about without a care already, and expect an increase in cases promptly. I’d love to be wrong.

  8. I also liked the weekly updates (as I commented last week) because I think it's worth reminding the people who said, "it's no worse than the seasonal flu," that they were (and are) wrong.

    In other online discussions, I've seen people who used to say, "it's no big deal, there aren't as many deaths as there are from seasonal flu." Many of them are now pointing to antibody testing that might* show a much higher infection rate and are saying, "it's no big deal, the percentage of people who die is less than the seasonal flu."

    (*"might" because there's a significant false-positive rate to antibody testing.)


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