Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Is the Only Obese Man in North Korea Near Death? (Plus, Nice Move, Taiwan)

Reports that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is seriously ill after heart surgery are not true, officials in South Korea have said.

Headlines that Kim Jong-un was "gravely ill", "brain-dead" or "recovering from an operation" were always going to be impossible to verify.

But the presidential office in Seoul has said there have been no particular signs from the North to indicate the 36-year-old is "gravely ill".
Guess we'lk see if Trump'rs received his last "beautiful letter" from the Fat Rocketman.


Some 2 million face masks donated by Taiwan arrived in Japan on Tuesday for delivery to public hospitals and special schools across the country in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
Taiwan got a two-fer, in that they helped out a neighboring country and they stuck a very public finger in the eye of the Communists.

Nicely played.

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