Friday, April 24, 2020

Extra Humor, Thanks to Dr. Trump

This embeds as a little large for the regularly scheduled feature, so:

It was sad, in a way, that Dr. Orange-Man dropped this bit of medical advice too late on Thursday for the late-night comedians to pick it up. They don't broadcast on Friday; by the time Monday rolls around, this will be buried by other Trumpian stupidity.

A drink recipe:
Mar-a-largo Martini. Two jiggers of Clorox and splash of Lemon Lysol. Shaken not stirred. Then a nice bake in the high intensity UV tanning bed. Black skin spots optional.


  1. He tried to walk it back today (Friday) by stating it was sarcasm. Like we would believe what he says over what we all witnessed.


  2. The first thing his people did was say "he never said that". Then He himself tried to say it was being sarcastic. They can't have it both ways. Especially when he says "he said it".
    I wonder who told him to say it was "being sarcastic", I don't think he knew what that was before all this.
    Did he also buy stock in Clorox I wonder?

  3. Remember, we're talking about the guy who looked directly at a partial solar eclipse without using any filters to protect his eyes.


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