Monday, March 9, 2020

When Trump Loses the Washington Examiner....

President Trump’s bombastic style has served him well through many stages of his political career, but as the coronavirus spreads rapidly throughout the United States, it is exposing how deeply unsuited he is to deal with a genuine crisis that he can’t bluff his way through.
Trump will be judged on his handling of the spread of a virus. And the outcome will be clear no matter how many things he makes up, no matter how confident he pretends to be, and no matter how many insults he heaves.
When even Pravda on the Potomac is saying that this emperor has no clothes, it may be time to start paying attention.

1 comment:

  1. The funny thing is that privately he's terrified of it, and off into conspiracy land where he's afraid of reporters intentionally infecting themselves so they can pass it to him on Air Force One.

    -Doug in Oakland


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