Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Pandemic Humor

The last one makes a valid point. I know that some people are going snakeshit from not being able to go out to eat or drink at their local watering holes or go clubbing or whatever.

Well, suck it up, snowflake. Imagine, if you will, that the virus is a Quisling cop or a SS man or a Gestapo agent, lurking around in the hopes that someone like you will show themselves so they can be arrested and sent to the concentration camps.

The virus is like that, only millions times smaller. It is no less capricious.


  1. Well of course!

    In the midst of a pandemic, when Nancy Pelosi and other nasty women are playing petty politics with life-saving Corona related spending and legislation - we must pause to dig up Old Nasty's corpse, and invoke the spectre of fascism!

    You need to lay off the boxed wine, Auntie Misfit! HAR HAR HAR!

  2. Mr. Filthie: With all due respect, please disable your keyboard or just stick to posting on your own blog. You are making an utter fool of yourself.

  3. Interestingly, there are a number of scholarly articles on misogyny and latent homosexuality, and they also tie into a misogynist culture in the gay world. Food for thought.

  4. A comedian last night wondered whether the shelter in place orders would be more effective if a few dozen lions were set free in each community.

    -Doug in Sugar Pine

  5. American Bison. With frickin lasers on the heads.


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