Friday, March 20, 2020

It's Horrifying to Watch

The latest daily soap opera: As the Asshole Bloviates, otherwise known as Trump's coronavirus press conferences.

He just gets up there and lies his fucking ass off about anything and everything, with Pence providing Trump with hummers on demand.


  1. Lying? Give us an example

  2. His lips were moving?

    I (unfortunately) watched the Campaign Pep Rally disguised as a Press Conference, and the word salad served up was bewildering. His use of the English language is beyond strange and well into absurd. A penny for Pence’s real thoughts.

  3. CP88, there's a hamster on an exercise wheel between his ears. That's all.

  4. It is amazing the simian poser speaks, and at Glactic
    Standard Minimum English.
    Its an unusual thing that its anything intelligible.
    What's fascinating that when it makes sense its a lie.

    However what absolutely mind blowing is there are people
    that believe there is truth in it.

    Actually they are testing several drugs and it seems
    "encouraging" but the level of study is a notch above
    anecdotal at best. Much too small a sample size.


  5. It’s very telling when NBC’s Peter Alexander asks Trump what he would say to soothe the nerves of scared Americans that Trump attacks Alexander as a sensationalist reporter. Yet later in the same press conference, he asks Pence the same question and Pence acts much more presidential by giving a calm, reasoned, 2 minute response.

    Trump voters just cannot admit that they were taken in by the snake oil salesman, their hatred of Clinton was so severe it was clouding their judgement. Perhaps they’ll have a come to Jesus moment in November. If we make it that far.


  6. DTWND - It's not merely the hatred of Clinton at play here, hell...CoVID 19 was somehow Obama's fault to the legion of sycophants.

  7. "a president who admits he follows his gut."

    I have a gut too. It's full of shit.

  8. In this afternoon's episode, Trump said "I'm a smart guy."

    I've known a lot of very smart people. Not a single one of them would
    have told you that. They let their abilities speak for them. My
    experience has been that those who say "I'm really smart" tend to range
    from "barely average" to "as dumb as a bag of hammers.".

  9. TBH, I’m hoping the entire leadership of *both* parties AND the Pundit Class get infected and die.


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