Friday, February 7, 2020

Dumb Ass to the Tenth Power

A man in Arizona has been accused by federal authorities of threatening to kill Congressman Adam Schiff, the lead prosecutor in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

Court records show that Jan Peter Meister, a 52-year-old registered sex offender, told investigators he drunkenly left the threatening voicemail at Schiff’s Washington, D.C. office after watching Fox News and googling the congressman’s phone number.

“I'm gonna fucking blow your brains out you fucking piece of shit,” Meister allegedly said in part of the obscenity-filled voicemail.
The best thing about this: The asshole is a registered sex offender, a convicted felon and he owns guns.

Which means the dumb fuck talked himself into several years in a Federal slammer.


  1. Just another working class white man with understandable economic concerns. At least he isn’t one of those trashy immigrants that B despises.

  2. DA, personal attack. Knock that shit off, please.

  3. How is my observation inaccurate?

  4. There is no reason to name another person who hasn't commented to this post.

    Please don't do it again.

    (This is not arguable.)

  5. Believing some people on the basis of their origins outside America are human trash isn’t a respectable position.

  6. This is my fucking blog, I get the last word. And no, I don't appreciate the irrelevant hijacking of the comment thread one goddamned bit.

    We're done, here.
