Friday, February 28, 2020

Because It's Friday

Hardly a "close call"


  1. Agreed, not very close...but not a good time to trip on a rail, either!

  2. Wishram is a big rail museum. Had a few beers there, stumbled along that same stretch.

  3. Saw in the Federal Register today that Nevada Northern has requested a waiver of the 1,472 day rule for locomotive #40. Its only run half those days, but the 15 year alternate deadline is May 20, 2020. They want to run it until November, when another loco will be back in service. Seems a bit dangerous, especially for such a low use engine, eh?

  4. I've been noticing quite a few "close call" videos lately in the trains category on YouTube. Most of them can be spotted by observing the usual "long lens" distortions, but some are a consequence of editing, in which case, watching the shadows of a pole, crossing gate, or signal box frequently yields the process. Trains are interesting enough to watch without manufacturing drama.

    ZJX, ORD, ZAU retired

  5. Close is a relative thing. It was about 700ft away (assumption, speed was 40 mph) when they crossed or about 11 second to the same spot. That 11 seconds is not a lot of time if you catch your foot on an rail an fall.

    The biggest scare for the train crew is people and large animals on the rails.
    Its never pretty and stopping while often attempted is never in time. Large animals like Moose can derail an engine.

    A true case was years ago when someone photographing a UP steam (844 I believe)
    literally stood in the path of the engine at the outer edge of railroad tie.
    So fixated and in full view of whats coming at her. That is much too close.
    All attempts to stop in time were futile. A lot of people saw that and
    I'm sure it was horrifying for every one.

    People forget a million plus pounds of engine and following train does not stop
    on a dime, or a football field. It can't, inertia.



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