Tuesday, January 21, 2020

C'Mon, Colt. Do Better.

The new Colt Python being demonstrated at SHOT Show 2020 didn't work right.

Jeebus, guys. The issue with cylinder rotation has been known since the guns were released. How hard would it have been to check over the demo gun for it?

Yes, I still want one of the 4.25" guns. But I might tamp that down.

UPDATE: A little fluffing of an advertiser?


  1. Double-action revolvers have been available in production since the late `70's (that's 1870's!). How is it possible for a major manufacturer and the leading developer of the D-A revolver technology to RELEASE a modern D-A revolver that doesn't time well??? And being sold for the princely sum of $1499?

    Just like a new car model....don't buy the first ones, wait for the next generation if there is one. If there isn't then there's probably a good reason.

  2. I have Smiths that fit the role of both the 4" and 6" slots that a Python could fill.

    So I don't need one. And $1,600 (with tax) is a hell of a deterrent.

    But I do want one.


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