Tuesday, January 21, 2020


When the fire trucks roll by in the neighborhood, the coyotes answer. This time, one was in the yard:


  1. You should hear 'em out by my house.

    There is a pack of about 25 that lives in the woods about 400 yds to the east and another sub-pack of about 15 that lives about 650 yds to the southeast. They get together and it is a beautiful song. Then an ambulance comes by on the road to the west and it gets really loud from them.

  2. So that coyote or one of his friends decided to pay another visit.

    Seem up north on the coast they are having problems with a
    coyote and they suspect several with known rabies. Attacking
    people, pets and even chasing cars!

    I know we have them around here but you don't hear them.
    least no howl fests.



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