Friday, December 27, 2019

Rudy Couldn't Be Any Dumber if He Worked At It

Rudy's not going to let the facts that newspapers didn't exist until the 17th Century and that TV news didn't exist until 1940 (or '41) get in the way of his religious bombast.

Others have pointed out that there were no Golden Retrievers in biblical times.

Giuliani is an imbecile of the tenth order.


  1. I think you got it wrong. The press and TV weren't there because they were off in Rome with the other liberal elitists, covering political shenanigans inside the Aqueductway. I mean yeah, every so often they'd send a crew or a reporter off to a diner to see what the shepherds thought, and whether they minded open borders for Assyrians and Babylonians, but the media never gave it much play.

    Yours crankily,
    The New York Crank

  2. That one's tame, Rudy, and are you doing this as damage control for your "more Jewish than Soros" verbal malfunction?

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. Well played, Crank. Well played.

    Made me laugh out loud and my Bride came to see if I was okay.



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