Monday, December 2, 2019

"I Didn't Do Nuttin' See! The Charges Are Political, See!"
(But I'm Guilty.)

California Rep. Duncan Hunter said he plans to plead guilty to misusing campaign funds and is prepared to go to jail, a stunning turn of events for the six-term Republican who had steadfastly denied wrongdoing and claimed he was the victim of a political witch hunt by federal prosecutors.
The combat Marine veteran and an early supporter of President Donald Trump said he will plead guilty to one count of misuse of campaign funds. Federal prosecutors alleged he and his wife spent more than $250,000 in campaign money for golf outings, plane tickets and a family vacation to Italy, as well as household items from places like Costco.
Hunter spent the last year screaming that he was being persecuted and was the subject of a witch-hunt.

But now he's probably going to prison.


  1. Remember when the Republicans were the party of "personal responsibility"? I can't imagine why anyone would take their statements as meaning anything.

  2. Collins was the other earliest Fergus endorsement in the house, and he's pleading guilty also. It's almost like crooks are drawn to him...

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. It's all that Jezebel's fault-his wife. Yep, another trumpite, corruption married to misogyny.

  4. Hunter was using campaign funds to have romantic liaisons with several other women. Once that came out, his wife flipped on him,

  5. Take a look at the suggested time for him - it’s pushed down, maybe (if the judge agrees) to no more than four or so months, due to him being a vet (among other points). I’d prefer he get to spend the rest of his life with his family, and out of public service, but after the revelations I’m not sure how much of a family he’ll have.

  6. He hasn't said anything about resigning, so maybe he plans to serve in congress from jail?

    -Doug in Oakland

  7. dinthebeast - He’s waiting for a pardon. Issa is eyeing his seat if it gets vacated. So the seat will probably stay red, but since it’s not a Senate seat, there is much less pressure on 45 to pardon, but it would be on-brand for him to do so.


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