Friday, November 8, 2019

They Have Sharp Cops in Chicago

The Chicago police allegedly did a no-knock raid on a house to try and arrest a guy.

The guy had already been in prison for five years. A family that was not associated with the guy had moved in, and now they're suing.

The city should have to cough up a lot of money for this. The cops who, it would seem, lied on the warrant application should be disciplined. Fat chance of that happening.

1 comment:

  1. Poor no Knock raid(s) is common in Chicago. Both the City police and several surrounding county departments do so regularly. The City/County management pay off the victims and squeeze 'em enough to take the (low) settlement.

    That is, apparently, changing. Not the raids, just the damages. Mostly because the captive and compliant media isn't compliant any more. CBS 2 took these folks on and are helping them. Otherwise it would be business and usual.


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