Thursday, November 28, 2019

Convicted Murderer Named Paul Termann Wins the Right to "Be Forgotten"

A man convicted of murder 37 years ago has the right to be forgotten and have his name removed from online search results, Germany's highest court ruled on Wednesday.

The constitutional court in Karlsruhe found in favour of Paul Termann, who was given a life sentence for killing two people on a yacht in 1982.

A rift with another couple aboard the 'Apollonia' ship, ended with Termann, then 43, shooting dead Herbert Klein and Gabriele Humpert.
Seems that Termann is finding it hard to have "social relationships" because nobody wants to date an 80-year old murderer.

I'm kind of skeptical of a court in a certain country finding in favor of the "right to be forgotten" for killing people. For one might argue that said nation may have a vested interest in the same rules applying to them as a nation.


  1. From where is this right to be forgotten derived?

    I still have trouble with why each and every country having jurisdiction over Net entities.

  2. What has Germany done to make you believe that they are trying to get the world to forget what they did in their past? It is actually against
    the law to deny the holocaust and people have been convicted and done time for that. I was educated in German schools until I was 15 and at no time was their history whitewashed. There are memorials and museums all over Germany about the holocaust. Google Stolpersteine. If you want to see a nation that is in complete denial over their past, try Japan.

  3. EU law. Won a case against Google years ago, recently lost a case so that the right is only applicable in search results in Europe.

  4. So those cases you cited are evidence enough that there is a wholesale attempt and desire by the German government and society in general to bend the law in such a way that they can keep people from finding out about the holocaust. That soup is so thin you might just call it water. Please cite some real evidence.

  5. Replies
    1. No, my apologies for expecting a reasoned counter argument. Just deflect. It's a lot easier. Especially if you're wrong.

  6. Hell will freeze over before the Nipponese owe up to the carnage they wreaked in Asia.


  7. Doc Tam our nuking the bastards has allowed them to play the victim card for the last 74 years, while conveniently ignoring everything that they did which led up to said muking.

  8. The day that I will stand for somebody hectoring me about my attitude towards Germany has not arrived.


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