Thursday, October 17, 2019

Our Drooler-in-Chief

What sort of adult sends a letter like this to a person they are trying to persuade to see things the writer's way?


  1. Humans are not wired to handle massive and unchecked personal power.
    In every single case I have read, the granting to one man (and so far it has been all men) ultimate power leads to crippling megalomania. Ghingis Khan, Alexander, Nero, Caligula, Hitler, Stalin...The list goes on and on.
    President asterisk is especially vulnerable to this mania because from birth no one has said 'no' to him or jailed him for his lifetime of crime and grifting. )
    Of course his mind is becoming rapidly disconnected and anchor-less now that there is nobody to hold him back.
    And, like Hitler, since he ignored all advise and counsel and 'won' a crooked election anyway, he will never be advised.
    His grandiose language lately shows the megalomania eating away at his already weak reasoning powers leading to his gibbering glossolalia, mispronouncement, slurring of words and, eventually, drooling, tourrett's, coprophilia and unending public fapping in the Oval Office. On top of the Resolute Desk.
    This will be only a small added degradation he's done to the office.
    The Senate Republicans will still support trump, insisting that "Democrat (sic) presidents shit on the floor, masturbate like Bonobos in public, drool and incessantly shout obscenities too. They all do it. It's just partisan politics".

  2. I'm sorry, in the 3rd to last paragraph I meant to say coprophagia. Spellcheckers!

  3. Supposedly Erdogan crumpled this thing and tossed it in the trash.

  4. I saw this and immediately looked for fingerprints from The Onion or such. But, no, amazingly it’s real! The adults have left the White House.

    Mattis now gets immense respect from me for his handling of Donnie’s insult too.


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