Thursday, October 10, 2019

Color Me Surprised; Not

Two Florida businessmen tied to President Donald Trump’s lawyer and the Ukraine investigation were charged Thursday with federal campaign finance violations. The charges relate to a $325,000 donation to a group supporting Trump’s reelection.

Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, associates of Rudy Giuliani, were arrested on a four-count indictment that includes charges of conspiracy, making false statements to the Federal Election Commission and falsification of records. The men had key roles in Giuliani’s efforts to launch a Ukrainian corruption investigation against Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
You can guess which two of these five crooks were arrested:

Reports are that both men had lunch with Giuliani at the Trump Hotel in D.C. before they went to Dulles Airport with one-way tickets out of the country.

Given that they were both fleeing the country, it's a fair assumption that neither one will be released on bail. It would be logical to expect that one, if not both, will be happy to tell the prosecutors everything they know to avoid spending a long time in prison.

Which could be that Giuliani is one rat-job away from being indicted.

Maybe the Bureau of Prisons can repaint Bernie Kerik's old cell for Rudy.


  1. No worries, the other 3 crooks should be arrested soon.

  2. Last I heard, bond was to be set at a million each, with monitoring stipulations.
    We'll see.

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. I think Rudy's the snitch. His "clients" busted on a one-way just after having had lunch? lol

    Think's he's gonna' be a hero ...

  4. The beauty of having two of them arrested together is that the cops can use the Prisoner's Dilemma - get one to flip with a lenient plea deal by convincing him the other already has flipped for that same deal - to get both to talk.


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