Thursday, September 19, 2019

Don't Believe the Hype on Colt

Oh, you;'re going to read lots of shit from the hoplophobic press about Colt's decision to suspend selling AR-15s into the civilian market as some sort of victory for gun banners, but that's just malarky.

First off, there are about as many different makers of AR-15s are there are makers of M1911s. Almost anyone can make one. Eugene Stoner designed the gun to be simple to manufacture, to the point that you could conceivably make the receiver out of a decent hardwood.

Second, industry rumors are that Colt has foreign military contracts (through the DoD's FMS office) for somewhere between 50,000 and 70,000 M-4 carbines, which should keep Colt busy for the next five years.

So they don't really need to sell into a civilian market that is awash with makers of Armalite-type rifles.[1]
[1] "AR" = "Armalite", not "assault rifle".

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