Saturday, August 17, 2019

Now They Have to Force People to Go to Trump's Little Nurembergs

The choice for thousands of union workers at Royal Dutch Shell’s petrochemical plant in Beaver County was clear Tuesday: Either stand in a giant hall waiting for President Donald Trump to speak or take the day off with no pay.

“Your attendance is not mandatory,” said the rules that one contractor relayed to employees, summarizing points from a memo that Shell sent to union leaders a day ahead of the visit to the $6 billion construction site. But only those who showed up at 7 a.m., scanned their ID cards, and prepared to stand for hours — through lunch but without lunch — would be paid.

“NO SCAN, NO PAY,” a supervisor for that contractor wrote.
Oh, they say that the workers were "free" not to go. But that would have been an unpaid day of work, with no per diem and less overtime. So roughly, it would have cost each worker $700 to skip on on the ranting of the Orange Überführer.

It was standard Trump, with him taking credit for projects that were begun under his predecessor.

Same old shit.


  1. Officially a non-campaign event, where Donnie encouraged the workers to vote out their Union leaders if they didn’t endorse him. I assume he’ll reimburse the Treasury...NOT.

  2. The supremes ruled that unions couldn't collect mandatory dues because it would be compelled political speech.
    How is this not compelled political speech?

    -Doug in Oakland

  3. I read that the Union was ok with this arrangement WTF?!?


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