Wednesday, August 21, 2019

It Will Be a Cold Day in Hell Before I Take Advice on Being Jewish From an Aging Obese White Supremacist With Delusions of Godhood

Showing a fresh willingness to play politics along religious lines, President Donald Trump said American Jews who vote for Democrats show “either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.”
“Where has the Democratic Party gone? Where have they gone where they are defending these two people over the state of Israel?” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office on Tuesday. “I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.”
Claiming that American Jews are loyal to Israel is a favorite trope of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and low-wattage bigots.

This is the same sort of bigoted bullshit that propelled Nixon to suggest removing Jewish officers from anything to do with resupplying Israel during the Yom Kippur War.


  1. But but but he is the Chosen One! He said so! He is the King of the Jews!

    You must be disloyal.

    Fuck, the 25th amendment cannot be invoked too soon. Trump is an incompetent fruitcake.

  2. So, does he prefer to be called “Donald-I-Safi”, or “Mustafa”? “The Chosen One” is most prevalent in the Muslim faith...just saying.

  3. I think his new title should be that once proposed for the American Presidency: His High And Mightyness.

  4. I'd suggest the one from "Flesh Gordon": His Assholiness

  5. Nah, assholes (in general) serve a purpose...the only thing Donnie serves is himself!

    His corpulent, flaccidness is a better fit.

  6. Hey leave the Aging Obese part out, there's plenty of us that are decent people, even. Aging we couldn't help and the obese part....well it's better sublimating your whatever in eating than kicking the dog, beating your partner and/or kids, or generally making everyone around you miserable, like the clown in the White House with delusion of humanity and worth (none whatsoever).


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