Sunday, May 19, 2019

Why the World Hates New York Bankers and Lawyers

If you have the time and stomach, you ought to read this article about how the banksters and the lawyers fucked over a lot of immigrants by selling them overpriced taxi medallions. It is a long read, but in short, the same usual suspects who brought down the economy in the Aughts are still hard at work.

We should have built and used guillotines the last time around. But Obama and Holder couldn't even be bothered to investigate those fuckers. Hell, Holder was one of them and, arguably, did his level best to ensure that few of the banksters, if any, were ever held accountable..


  1. plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

  2. Also fuckery from the NYC government in creating the artificial scarcity that led to medallions costing 6 figures. Plenty of fuckery blame to go around, no need to limit it to just the bankers and brokers.


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