Friday, May 24, 2019

Freudian Slip, DHS Ed., or "Robbing Peter to Pay Donald"

DHS is going to make the TSA cough up just shy of a quarter of a billion dollars to "support the humanitarian crisis on the Southern border".

Not "ameliorate" or "combat" or "deal with" or anything like that. "Support". You are free to speculate as to the meaning of that word choice.

Since Trump is raiding every Federal pot of money for his manufactured emergency border wall, he'll probably order money taken from the Statue of Liberty National Park.

Anywho, the last time I flew commercial, there was a PA announcement that someone had left a money-clip at the TSA checkpoint. If that was unclaimed, now we know where the money went.

1 comment:

  1. I read from your own sidebar how the TSA has been keeping the loose change left in the examination tubs and reportedly has $3 million of it so far.

    -Doug in Oakland


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