Wednesday, May 22, 2019

China Fucks the World Over, Again; Plus GOP Family Values!

Researchers say that they have pinpointed the major sources of a mysterious recent rise in a dangerous, ozone-destroying chemical.

CFC-11 was primarily used for home insulation but global production was due to be phased out in 2010.

But scientists have seen a big slowdown in the rate of depletion over the past six years.

This new study says this is mostly being caused by new gas production in the north-east provinces of China.
China is probably the largest rogue nation on the planet. China's government pretty much operates on the principal that agreements, laws and norms mean nothing to them. Sort of like Donald Trump.

Speaking of the Party of Trump:
A Mississippi state lawmaker has been accused of drunkenly assaulting his wife because she was taking too long to undress for sex.

Doug McLeod, 58, was arrested on Saturday night in George County on a minor domestic violence charge.

His fellow Republicans in the state said Mr McLeod should resign immediately if the claims are true.

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