Sunday, April 21, 2019

Your Sunday Morning Old Prop Noise

A Polikarpov Po-2:

The Po-2 was flown as a night-bomber by the "Night Witches" during the Second World War. They were also used for the same purpose during the Korean War; one was credited with downing a F-94 when the jet's pilot flew too slowly while trying to engage a Po-2.


  1. This is weird synchronicity, I was reading about the Night Witches last night. Get out of my head!

  2. I loaded this post two weeks ago.

  3. Thanks. I feel less paranoid now.

  4. oddly enough, a song about them just cycled through on spotify.

  5. re, unless it proves that Comrade is the Three-Eyed Raven...

    Trying to figure out if Po-2’s get credit for killing one or two SkyKnights. I can find one story of a SkyKnight stalling and crashing trying to down on and another about a SkyKnight colliding with a Po-2 it was attempting to shoot down, but I can’t find the data to determine if they were the same or separate incidents.

  6. Never mind the Russian winter, imagine flying that through a Russian spring, summer or fall.
    at night, with people shooting at you. IFR in a marginally VFR airplane. lol

  7. Those ladies would expend their ordnance, then use the rest of their fuel wandering at random over the German lines...sometimes you heard "Putt putt putt", and sometimes you heard "Putt putt putt kaboom". The ultimate in sleep denial.


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