Monday, April 1, 2019

Some Representatives of a Global Organization of Child-Molesters Hate Books About Magic

Priests at a Catholic parish in northern Poland have drawn criticism after they burned books, including from the “Harry Potter” series, and other items that their owners said had evil forces. ... In the pictures, flames are consuming an African wooden mask, a small Buddhist figure, figurines of elephants and books on personality and magic, as well as those by J.K. Rowling. They were all brought in by parishioners, who were encouraged by the priests to clear their homes of objects that had evil forces. Influential in Poland, the Catholic Church objects to “Harry Potter” books, which are international best-sellers, saying they promote sorcery.
OK, so I guess that they are in favor of torching every Catholic church, seminary, orphanage, etc. where children were molested. Because, Gentle Reader, that's where true evil took place.

Nah, whom am I kidding. in the RCC, superstition and ignorance are features, not bugs.

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