Friday, April 5, 2019

Pharma Bro is In the Hole

Pharmaceutical honcho Martin Shkreli has been banished to solitary confinement amid allegations he was running his drug company from federal prison using a contraband smartphone, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press.

Shkreli was moved to solitary confinement at the Fort Dix, New Jersey, facility on March 7 and is likely to remain there while his alleged conduct is being investigated, the person said. The person wasn’t authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
If the Feds decide to file charges, he could spend some more time behind bars.

Shkreli's conduct before his conviction was that of a man who believed that he was above the law. Time in prison doesn't seem to have changed his attitude. The only medicine that may cure him is embalming fluid, for he is probably going to be a self-entitled douchebag until the day he lies down for the big dirt nap.

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