Saturday, April 6, 2019

No, Numb-Nuts, Netanyahu Is Not My Prime Minister

Trump thinks he is.

Der Mar-a-Lagoführer was speaking to a bunch of *American* Jews. He thinks that the Prime Minister of Israel is, somehow, the leader of all Jews. I guess that's what his neo-Nazi cabal in his Administration has been telling him.

Saying that American Jews have an allegiance to the State of Israel is an insidious lie that has been told by both the far Left and the Alt-Right.

We know which group Trump is a member of.

And we know that the GOP Jews have no balls, just like the rest of the GOP. If they had any integrity, they'd have booed his ass.


  1. Wait, there are GOP Jews? I thought they were smarter than that.

  2. Sounds like Donnie, Steve. I mean, he just knows the Jews must be behind the GOP, because they must all have money, right? All he knows about Jews is they have money, he’s sure of that! We’ll, except they all love Israel and Bibi...


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