Monday, April 15, 2019

Fire at Notre Dame

Notre Dame Cathedral is on fire.

It took over 100 years to built it and an evening to burn a lot of it to ash.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out.” The sheer ignorance of this tweet is stunning, water weighs 8.34 pounds per gallon. The impact of even a Bambi Bucket of water, around 1-2,000 gallons of water, would likely destroy parts of the structure. That would be 8,340 to 16,680 pounds of water dropped. in a single mass, onto a structure that is already destabilized. The only tweet in English today by French Emergency Services was one that specifically ruled out the use of airborne water tankers.

    This is the “stable genius”, who knows more about pretty much anything than anyone else. Good Grief, shut up!

  3. "Stable genius" is an accurate term, for what he knows is horseshit.

    Our Anacephalic-in-Chief.

  4. It would be nice if some archaeologists got to dig a bit in places they never could have otherwise.

  5. Air tankers are what you use when you can't get there with fire trucks. Trucks deliver much more water per hour, and with much better accuracy.

  6. Nan, the damage is almost exclusively in the upper reaches of the structure. The stone vaults over three of the four arms of the building held, only the north vault is reported to have failed to any extent. This also explains why there are pictures of the interior with candles standing unmelted.

    That being said, with the damage to the stone over the years, and the huge funds being pledged for repair, they is a decent chance that some work will extend under the ground in that area.

    On a related note, the release of lead must have been immense, as the primary constituent of the roof sheeting was lead...melting in the flames. Not sure how volatile lead is in a fire like this, but I suspect that the whole area around the Notre Dame is now contaminated.

  7. CP88: I stole part of your comment and used it elsewhere, with attribution, of course.

    -Doug in Oakland


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