Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Corrupt Fucks Gotta Be Corrupt

St. Louis County Executive Steve Stenger, a target of a yearlong undercover federal investigation into political favors traded for campaign contributions, was indicted by a grand jury Thursday on charges of theft of honest services.
As I understand it, "theft of honest services" is basically bribery, but the bribes get washed through the campaign fund and they can't prove they went directly into the office-holder's pocket.

It sure seemed as though Stenger wasn't even trying to hid any of this shit. He's probably toast.

UPDATE: He's toast.


  1. 'Tis interesting that ALL the articles I could find left out his political affiliation.
    Of course, had he been a Republican, it would have been in the first paragraph. Since it wasn't....

    Having said that, I think that ANY politician or person employes in any capacity by any government, Federal, state or local, that does things like this deserves long term incarceration. Real long terms at hard labor kind of stuff if found guilty...No matter how cheap or expensive they might have been, or how minor an official. Also should apply to folks found paying their bribes.

    pour encourager les autres

  2. The reason they left out his party affiliation is that, in Missouri, everyone with a functioning cortex knows that St. Louis County (and the city) are run by the Democrats. Just like the state is run by the Republicans.

    To take up space saying that Stenger is a Democrat would be like saying that he's a white man. Everyone there knows it.

  3. I’m sure that Hillary was behind it, B, just like she was behind Benghazi and the Reichstag Fire.

  4. And to think I voted for the SOB!


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