Sunday, March 3, 2019

Your Sunday Morning Turboprop Noise

A BT-67:


  1. The fact that they retrofit that old of an airframe shows what an excellent design it is.

  2. Thank you for including the Wiki link. I usually end up checking there every Sunday for the plane you feature. I had considered asking you to include the links on the Sunday posts, but was afraid that it might seem rude. Thanks again.

  3. Yep, they're an odd breed, and a tribute to their durability. I was actually on this one, back in the day. Weird to walk up front and see a prop spinning out there...

  4. I work as a volunteer docent at the EAA museum in OSH on the occasional weekend. Always fun to drive past the Basler hangar and see the 3-4 DC-3's waiting in line to be reborn.

  5. Note it’s more of a ground up rebuild than an engine swap. They lengthen the fuselage, and replace a good bit of the structure, in addition to the power plant upgrade.

  6. When I wuz a kid in the 50s, I would be sent off to my maternal aunt and grandmother in Bradford, PA. A TWA Connie from Louisville's Standiford to Pittsburgh, then an Agony Airlines DC-3 from there to McKean Regional(hard finding enough flat land for an airport in many parts of Pennsylvania). Ah, for the days of low and slow and bumpy plane flights, air pockets and barf bags. OTOH, I got once to go through Saarinen's TWA terminal in NY when it was still a temple to flight, before everything went to airflight as cattle management & transport.

  7. If you like DC3's and honestly, who doesn't, see this from the people who brought you "Ice Pilots".....

    Love for the C-46 too!


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