Monday, March 4, 2019

Petition for an Order of Protection Against Trump

If inanimate objects could file them, that is.

Feel free to steal.


  1. I'd have though one of those "red flag orders" might be more in line as
    he is likely to hurt himself or someone.


    He has suggested he can kill someone on park ave NYC.
    Has submitted proven lies.
    Has made threats against people.


  2. That's wicked. Good though.

  3. The things is, when you're a celebrity you can grab 'em by their fringes and there's nothing they can do. You can squeeze their flagpole and there's nothing they can do. Sometimes I walk right up to them and I kiss them on their stars. They actually let you get away with it.

    Yours very crankily,
    he New York Crank


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