Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Pence is Smoking Crack, Again

The United States plans to land astronauts on the moon within the next five years, Vice President Mike Pence announced today (March 26).

The nation had been shooting for a 2028 lunar touchdown, but "that's just not good enough," Pence said during the fifth meeting of the National Space Council (NSC), which he chairs. "We're better than that."
"Within five years" is so that the landing would occur within the second term of Commander Bone Spurs or Suck-Up Mike.

Only now is NASA asking for lunar lander designs. Five years to design, build and test a lander design and then fly it with people is a very tight schedule. The last time NASA got into a godawful hurry to do stuff, they killed people.

How they are going to do this without cutting corners and while Cheetolini is handing out tax cuts to the uberrich is beyond me.


  1. Well, they did defund Special Olympics. That should just about cover it.

  2. The Chinese are on track for a 2025-2030 landing, think that influences things?

  3. I seem to recall plenty of five year plans over the years since the Apollo program, none of which came to fruition, except to transfer money to contractors. Perhaps this is more of the same?

  4. A might presumptuous of Mikey to think he'll be involved in NASA five years from now.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Oh man. So much winning. No, I’m not sick of it. Nowhere close!

    It may be a little optimistic but it sure beats that crap coming out of that donkey faced cunned stunt with her “green plans”. MAGA, bitches!

  6. Make America Green Again, I’ll go for that, Glenn!

  7. Glenn, that’s no way to talk about Melanie Trump.

  8. "How they are going to do this without cutting corners and while Cheetolini is handing out tax cuts to the uberrich is beyond me."

    They've already said how they're going to pay for it. They're going to cut Social Security, Medicareand Medicaid. See? It's easy.

    Yours crankily
    The New York Crank

  9. Glen, you've got a lot of damned gall to come onto a blog that is written by a woman to spew misogynistic crap. Nobody is fooled by your trick of transposing a couple of letters.

    Yellow card.

    Please don't do it again.

  10. As the Chinese waiter said to the guy who ordered flied lice, “Aren’t you being a bit of a plick?”

  11. Piling on was not necessary.

  12. Since we’re gonna have to relearn how to do this - the original engineers and their data are long gone - I doubt we’d get there in ten years.


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