Monday, March 11, 2019

Heh. Heh. Heh.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s $4.7-trillion budget raised eyebrows on Monday when government-watchdog groups discovered that it contained twenty million dollars for bail.

The line item for a “bail fund” was buried in the fine print of the published budget, along with a footnote specifying that the money could be used only to bail out Trump and members of his immediate family.
The rest at the link, above.


  1. Trump has been a target-rich subject for Borowitz

    Mueller Says He Has Obtained Trump’s SAT Scores
    After the SAT results were retrieved, a forensics lab examined the microscopic scores and positively identified them as the President’s, the special counsel said.
    Obama Demands to See Trump’s Elementary-School Diploma
    Speaking to reporters in Washington, Obama called on Trump to prove “once and for all” that he had completed a K-through-five program.
    Trump Storms Out of McDonald’s After Failing to Close Six-Dollar Meal Deal


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