Thursday, March 21, 2019

Devin's Beatdown Continues

The Onion:
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) announced Wednesday he was considering filing a defamation lawsuit against his official Twitter account for ruining his reputation. “The figure behind @DevinNunes has disparaged my good name in what appears to be a highly coordinated effort to make me look like some kind of whiny, impetuous idiot,” said the House Intelligence Committee’s ranking member, who accused the verified account of repeatedly posting and sharing content that has portrayed him as “a crackpot with abhorrent views” since the profile was first created in 2009.
It must be tough to write for The Onion these days. Too much of our political news is almost indistinguishable from parody.

Today's local paper had a letter from a rock-ribbed Republican, who says that he refers to the last president as "O'Bummer", and who also says that he misses the dignity and stability of the Obama Administration.


  1. Certainly, some people wouldn’t be calling him Barry because they respect the Presidency, am I right?

  2. I can't comment on that. I have been nothing but disrespectful towards the carbon-based life-form that is occupying the Oval Office.

  3. Comrade, are we sure it is carbon based? There is a pretty good chance that iron oxides could perform as a basis for an alternate life form. The most common Iron oxide is, of course, commonly found in orange hues...

  4. CP88: But iron has magnetism and I don't really find much of that in our current president. h/t: my friend Briana.

    -Doug in Oakland


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