Thursday, March 7, 2019

Democrats Recognize Reality

The Democratic National Committee said Wednesday that it won’t pick Fox News to televise one of the upcoming debates being held for its 2020 presidential contenders.

The party chairman, Tom Perez, said he has concluded that the network isn’t in a position to host a fair and neutral debate. He cited a New Yorker magazine article released Monday that detailed how some Fox News personalities and President Donald Trump echo each other.
Perez has to be a real chucklehead to not have recognized that Fox is a Trump propaganda outlet. They're not going to get anything resembling fair coverage from Fox. Why anyone even entertained pretending that Fox News is anything than in the tank for El Caudillo de Mar-a-Lago is a mystery.

Cadet Bone Spurs is, of course, not happy.


  1. SO they'd rather go with one of the left leaning other networks.

    Makes sense.

    Perhaps they might get a better deal with the Clinton News Network...

  2. Amusing that B. feels:

    1) CNN is left leaning, because study after study shows it middle of the road.

    2) The DNC has an obligation to avoid friendly or neutral channels for the Democratic Debates.

    3) That somehow the DNC would get a bonus by debating on a channel whose anchors share a basic antipathy for the Democratic Party.

    4) That the DNC should give a rats ass what Donnie thinks.

    Shall we simply ask why a debate that is designed to aid in picking the Democratic Party Presidential Candidate should be broadcast on a channel with less than 5% Democratic viewership? By B’s standards, the Republicans should avoid the fellatio fest on Fox if they have Presidential Debates, eh?

  3. B, Fox News isn’t your friend.

  4. Fox was dreamed up by Ailes in the wake of Watergate because he felt Nixon might have been able to keep his job had something like Fox existed then.
    I see no compelling reason to allow a network whose reason for existing was to help felonious Republican presidents keep their jobs to involve itself in the Democratic nominating process.
    Democrats have to learn how to stand up and fight. Republicans aren't fucking around, and we can't undo any of the damage they have done until we win, which will be hard enough already given the cheating they will do.

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. If you think CNN is MOR, you are delusional.

    I never said the DNC has any obligation to choose a more hostile channel.

    In fact, I think they are being wise here.


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