Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Feds Arrest a Nazi Coastie

A Coast Guard lieutenant who was arrested last week is a “domestic terrorist” who drafted an email discussing biological attacks and had what appeared to be a hit list that included prominent Democrats and media figures, prosecutors said in court papers.

[Asswipe] is due to appear Thursday in federal court in Maryland after his arrest on gun and drug offenses, but prosecutors say those charges are the “proverbial tip of the iceberg.”
[Asswipe] was arrested by the FBI and the CGIS. If you read through the second article, you may notice that [Asswipe] was using his work computer for some of his Nazi-themed research into murderous activities. So you can probably make a reasonable assumption as to how the Federal cops got onto him.

What is getting interesting is that the authorities seem to be not at all shy about labeling this particular alt-rightist as a terrorist. Maybe it's a sign that they're starting to take this American Nazi shit a little more seriously.


  1. Barely an officer, a 49 year-old LT. Looked at that, and it looks like he’s been drifting from position to position...Marines 1988-93, couple of years Army National Guard in the 90’s, D.C. HQ since 2016, as a Coastie...but no word how long a Coastie. Sounds like the prototypical loser who glommed onto White Supremacy as an explaination for his failures. You know, equal opportunity is costing him jobs, etc.

  2. Thanks, CP, that does put a little different light on it.

    I served with an AF captain who had an impossibly long time in grade because he couldn't give a briefing without doing two things: (1) Saying "per se" in almost every sentence, and (2) scratching his cojones. Only the exigencies of Vietnam were keeping him aboard.


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