Sunday, January 27, 2019

Your Sunday Morning Prop Noise

Bell P-63 King Cobra:


  1. Flying around with your legs straddling an 1800-hp drive shaft...eewww.

  2. What could possibly go wrong? Seriously, misfit do you ever go to Oshkosh? Nothing
    but prop and jet noise 6 am to 8 pm for 7 days. Heaven Nirvanna, Valhalla, all rolled into one,,,,,,,,,

  3. Straddling the drive shaft didn't seem to bother Chuck Yeager when he flew the earlier P-39. You'd think there would be some kind of tight fit. Almost as bad as squatting atop the P-38 nose wheel, especially if you forgot to tap the brake while retracting.

  4. J4, you mean there's a brake on the nosewheel?


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