Thursday, January 24, 2019

Dear White Guys: Nobody "Owes" You Sex

A Colorado man who raged online about his virginity threatened to kill “as many girls as I see,” leading police to fear he was targeting a nearby Women’s March event.

[Asswipe], 27, was arrested Saturday after writing a long Facebook diatribe about being a virgin and wanting to become “the next mass shooter.” [Asswipe] told police he was just venting, but he was already on probation from a 2018 conviction for stalking and making a repeated communication of domestic violence.
Asswipe apparently is one of those guys who, however unintentionally, uses his personality as a method of birth control. My guess would be that he approaches any potential dating situation with a sense of entitlement.

Nobody, not even Matthew McConaughey or Sean Connery, is entitled to sex.


  1. You'd think he'd be a good candidate for a radical gun-ectomy. But even that won't happen.

    He's going to be a spree shooter. America is incapable of stopping that.

  2. And just for icing, he's neither a virgin nor was this his first episode.

  3. Does it make me sound old if I just want to tell these creeps to grow the fuck up?

    -Doug in Oakland

  4. I am a male and it disgusts me when any male acts in this way.


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