Saturday, December 29, 2018

All In All, It's Just Another Brick in the Wall; Trump Ed.

New Jersey prosecutors have collected evidence that supervisors at President Trump’s Garden State golf club may have committed federal immigration crimes — and the FBI as well as special counsel Robert Mueller have played part in the inquiry, the Daily News has learned.
It wasn't just that they hired aliens who could not work in this country illegally, it's that they provided them with the forged papers so they could work.

So, (1) what did Trump know and when did he know it?

(2) Where is he going to get the workers for his golf clubs if his wall gets built?

The managers should remember the Rat Rule: The first one to talk spends the least amount of time in the joint.

1 comment:

  1. What are H-2B visas and the Dominican Republic, Alex?


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