Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Kind of Hard to Not Use the Words "Attention Whore;" Lewinsky Ed.

Monica Lewinsky said Monday that she decided to participate in a new documentary series about her infamous 1990s affair with then-President Bill Clinton so that she could ensure that her experience "never happens to another young person in our country again."
So, for two decades, Lewinsky has wanted to be a rivate person, notwithstanding her 1999 interview with Barbara Walters and her starring in a documentary in 2002.

When she walked out of an interview two months ago, one has to wonder whether she chose to do so because she already had a deal with A&E, instead of any actual butthurt.

One might reasonably suppose that we're going to be hearing about this, off and on, for the next forty years.

It would be interesting to know who put up the money for this.


  1. Not really that hard, I don't think. Just like you wouldn't call her a slut or a c-word, don't call her a whore. She deserves every bit as much respect from us as we gave Doctor Ford.

  2. the biggest attention whore of all is Trump.

  3. It's incredible to me anyway, that she has any attention at all in this day. Exactly how long ago was she relevant to anything?
    Her behaviour was slutty and now she continues to appear as a "what"? OK she brought down a President by not resisting but what kind of a legacy is that?
    Her "15 minutes of fame" are long over.
    OK maybe not "slutty" but it took 2 to tango, she is not an innocent here.

  4. I don't remember her emphasizing that aspect of her affair in her TED Talk...

    -Doug in Oakland

  5. Doug ,
    I saw that talk too . I remember thinking that she said remarkably little about herself .
    The emphasis was on the effects of negative celebrity on people especially young adults .


  6. I don't get the concept of "the best way to counter negative celebrity is to keep appearing in public," but that's just me.


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