Thursday, November 22, 2018

2LT Trump in SE Asia

From elsewhere:
"I have often thought about how Donald Trump's leadership skills would have worked out in SE Asia with a platoon of 11B draftees?"

"One can almost hear the clink of the grenade spoon in the night."


  1. Niedermeyer in Animal House got to hear that...

  2. Waste of a perfectly useful weapon on something perfectly useless.

  3. I think as his eventual punishment, he should be sent to a combat zone for patrol duty. Bone spurs, fat arse, and all. Maybe even give him a weapon, but likely not.

  4. Can we send Donald Trump to North Sentinel Island,

  5. Tell him there’s a hotel deal there...

  6. After my 20 years in the military, I realized there were 2 types of leader:

    The Best: If they told you to jump on the grenade, you would because you knew he had the best interests of the whole squad at heart. (Spock said, “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”) They were also the few...

    The Rest: You and your squad mates would hold them down on the grenade.


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