Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Trump's Emergency Text

From here

I wonder how many thousands of people in places where one cannot have a phone at work lost their jobs today.

Anyway, you can shut off government alerts by going to "notifications" in an iphone, scrolling to the bottom and shutting off that shit.

But you may not want to:
The U.S. ambassador to NATO set off alarm bells Tuesday when she suggested that the United States might “take out” Russian missiles that U.S. officials say violate a landmark arms control treaty.

Although Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison’s comments were somewhat ambiguous, arms control experts said they could be interpreted to mean a preemptive strike. Such a move could lead to nuclear war.


  1. Briana went to the T-Mobile store with her Alcatel phone to get them to turn off all of the updates and notifications that were burning up all of her data, and they told her the presidential alert could not be turned off, and she did get it this morning.

    -Doug in Oakland

  2. Correct, the other alerts can be toggled, the “Presidential Alert” cannot. However, it will not override a mute, so it just vibrates like crazy. Airplane mode, no least until you switch on again...then I don’t know.

  3. I shut off Amber Alerts because most were of incidents that were hundreds of miles away.

    More to the point, I can't see a reason why it would ever be necessary to send an alert to everyone.

  4. We had an Amber alert last year, which frightenined my
    Wife because it was two dipshits who had taken a young daughter of one of them. I wasn’t home at the time, but was able to
    reassure her that we lived on the east side of town, where the foothills begin the gradual ascending into the Sierras, the only direction they wouldn’t go to get out of town. Fortunately, the cops found
    Them here in town, and the daughter was brought back to her mother safe and sound.

  5. What better way to announce martial law once he starts rounding up all the treasonous traitors in DC.


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